Do you know how much each of your clients contributes to your profit?
Do you know if any of your clients are not currently making you any money?
These might sound like obvious questions, but many businesses do not know the breakdown of their costs down to a level where they can answer them.
RJS Consultants have developed a simple application that will enable you (with the help of your staff) to enter a range of information that will give you some fundamental details about how much time is being spent on each client, and thereby enable you to calculate their profitability.
More details will be added to this page in the coming days and weeks, as we get close to our launch date in August 2022.
To be kept updated about the Application, and to be one of the first to take advantage of the benefits that will accrue from using it, please email with your name, details about your company and also any questions that you may have.
This sounds ideal for us. Will the application work on a Mac, and will it tell our staff if they have not entered all their client-related work for the week?