Adding Exchange Mail to your Android Phone

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Document Objective

This document explains how to set up an exchange email address on android devices.

Document Summary

Adding your email address should take up to 5 minutes.

Document Detail

Please read our knowledgebase article on the differences between the 3 different types of mailboxes.  There is a separate document that explains how to use Outlook to access IMAP/POP mailboxes.

Navigate to your phone’s Settings

Android devices can vary, the following gif shows how to navigate on a Samsung Galaxy A12 however the menu’s are very similar. (e.g. ‘Passwords and accounts’ could replace ‘accounts’)

  • Navigate to “Accounts”
  • Navigate to “Manage Accounts”
  • Navigate to “Add Account”
  • Select “Exchange”

Please see the below-animated picture showing the instructions above.  The animated picture starts here:

You can pause the picture by clicking on the pause button in the center when you hover your mouse over it, or in the bottom left if you have clicked anywhere else in the picture.

Next we set up the account information.

Please see the below-animated picture showing the instructions above.  The animated picture starts here:

It should then finish setting up your email account making it available in your mail app.

Please download the document to follow the instructions

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